About Us


Omega Educonsults is an Education Consulting firm that specializes in planning, management and administration of schools. We believe that students will be most creative, productive and satisfied if they are trained by the educational system to function in their right places according to God’s purposes for their lives.

Hence, the entire purpose of University Education will be defeated if a student goes into the University to study what he/she has not been naturally equipped to do. It is like training a cat to learn how to swim or training fish to learn how to fly.

From scriptures, we discover that God relies heavily on Foundation Schools to train children to understand how to make good choices that will successfully guide them in their journey through life (Prov.22:6). Our greatest passion therefore, is to see students have a glimpse of their purpose of existence on time which will inform their choice of course to study in the University.

Hence, since everyone has preordained work (Jer.1:5); it is their engagement in this right work that will guarantee their outstanding success and ultimate satisfaction in life as it is written: “… every tree bears its fruit and yield in full(Joel 2:22NASB).

Vision statement

To raise purposeful global leaders through partnership with foundation schools.

Mission statement

To reignite the passion of teachers at the Foundation Education level, leading to high-level productivity following global best practices and application of godly principles.


Raising purposeful global leaders.

 Our goals

To help as many children as possible to progressively discover their uniqueness and special gift(s) on time by working with Foundation Education levels (Nursery, Primary & Secondary).

Hence, in addition to the excellent teaching of the subjects; we encourage teachers to equally:

    1. Teach the children ‘how’ to choose RIGHT VALUES that will help them become responsible citizens and make meaningful and outstanding contributions in society.
    2. Teach the children that they should desire to discover who they are ‘MADE TO BECOME’ by:
  • looking inwards to discover already deposited gifts in them,
  • following their inner sense of direction (conscience) and,
  • constantly looking up to God for direction throughout their lifetime, since only the manufacturer of a product can really tell ‘how best’ a customer can benefit from their product. They should do this by studying on a daily basis God’s manual for optimal productivity.


  • 3. Teach the children ‘how’ to choose RIGHT COURSES that will enable them to sharpen and use their natural gift(s), leading to high productivity and maximum satisfaction.

Core Values

  1. Wisdom: It is the principal / fundamental thing upon which every good thing is built.
  2. Passion: It takes passion to successfully drive every vision.
  3. Knowledge: Engaging passionately with relevant knowledge produces excellent results.
  4. Excellence: A sense of excellence is required to attain and maintain world-class achievements.
  5. Productivity: Increasing productivity is required for continuous expansion of any business.

Our Core Values in a Sentence

Through wisdom, we get the true passion needed to acquire the necessary knowledge we should engage to be excellent and productive.

Our Philosophy

We believe that:

  • God is highly interested in School Business, since managing people is His primary business.
  • In these last days, He has ordained to raise great men and women who will be pathfinders in diverse fields of human endeavours, commanding the greatest attention ever witnessed on earth.
  • This order of dominion cannot be possible until children begin to discover His purposes for their lives and run with their God-given visions, leading to maximum productivity.


  • Among other channels, He intends to bring all these to pass through parents and school system especially Foundation Schools.
  • This is why He holds school owners and teachers at the highest esteem and accountable for the children under their care.
  • At the same time, He will be distinguishing the schools that will partner with Him in raising these unique children.